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Plural helps you save time by supercharging your data workflows. Get ready for enterprise AI.

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Your knowledge. Unlocked.

The first knowledge management platform for finance

We do 80% of the work, so you can add 80% of the value

Our AI-powered Finance Copilot helps you aggregate and organize all your information, to generate complex insights

Speed up your analysis icon

Speed up your analysis

No more grunt work and mindless copy-pasting. No more manual data cleansing. Thanks to our AI platform, tasks that took days or weeks now take seconds.

Knowledge graph icon

Build your proprietary knowledge base

Bring your own data and automatically connect it to third-party information, to create your own, bespoke 360 view of the world.

Cloud icon

Generate and capture your own alpha

No more information silos. Leverage your institutional knowledge, enforce best practices, and share insights with colleagues - a true collective brain whose value compounds over time.

Target icon

Act quicker on key information

Keep tabs on your markets and proactively surface new information on the companies and people you care about.

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Everything you need
to turn your data into knowledge.

source of truth

Ingest any type of data,
from anywhere. Our AI automatically cleans, merges, and keeps it always up-to-date.

Entity and model manager

Build bespoke taxonomies of industries and concepts to reflect your own market knowledge.


Deep integrations with your existing tools to effortlessly bring all your data into one place.

Knowledge graph and visualizations

Interact with your data in a new way. Connect the dots, explore relationships, and surface non-obvious insights.

Smart lists and monitoring

Save your companies and topics of choice and proactively monitor them for updates.

AI Copilot and workflows

Powerful semantic search and AI capabilities help you find anything in seconds.